Do I have Crohn’s?

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What is Crohn’s disease? Crohn’s disease (also known as granulomatous colitis and regional enteritis), is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, as detailed below. Named after a … Continued

Healthy diet for a healthy mind and body

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Some of the many potential benefits of eating a well-balanced, wholesome and nutritious diet include greater longevity and better overall health and fitness. By taking the few easy steps in this blog post, you can be in great shape in … Continued

How does diabetes affect your health?

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What is diabetes? The technical bit Diabetes is a metabolic disorder, where the body is unable to produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is required to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy. The human … Continued

Fibre for digestion

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What is dietary fibre? Dietary fibre, “bulk” or “roughage” (a complex carbohydrate) is the part of plant-derived foods that can’t be completely broken down by digestive enzymes in the human digestive system. Instead, it travels through the gut largely untouched, … Continued